Tuesday 4 December 2007

Our objectives

The objective of Hibiscus is to promote the well being of the Black communities, particularly elders, within North Staffordshire.

Hibiscus aims to achieve the object through a number of activities:

  • Empowering communities and individual members to access the service they require And are entitled to through support, advocacy, education, dissemination of information and training.
  • To promote health and social care opportunities for individuals and their communities by:
    • Health Promotion initiatives.
    • Advocating for culturally sensitive services.
    • Educating professionals and other organizations on how to respond appropriately to the needs of the community.
    • Identifying gaps in provision and promoting strategies to address these.
    • Enabling individuals to continue to live within their own communities for as long as possible.

  • Developing and participating in partnerships with the community, the Black-led Churches, other voluntary organisations and statutory agencies to enable services for the Black community to be an integral part of overall strategies and service development.
  • To develop and deliver services consistent with the object either separately or in partnership with other organisations.

  • To recruit and train appropriate volunteers to support the work of Hibiscus.

  • To forge links with similar communities and initiatives in other areas Networking and Sharing of good practice.

In achieving its objects, Hibiscus will always strive to be a facilitative enabling organisation rooted in the traditions and culture of the African Diaspora, balancing this with the needs and aspiration of the communities it serves and committed to promoting equality of opportunity in all of its activities.